Thursday, March 02, 2006

News Clippings

After the heroes were extracted from Karrnath, they laid low for several months. During this time, they kept up on the news, especially regarding things that they had done. Here are some of the articles that they read:

From the Korth Sentry special evening edition
14th of Olarune, 998 YK

MANDAR RATH - Early this morning, the charismatic young warlord Talovar ir'Mandar, 24, was found brutally murdered in his own castle after one of his extravagant galas. His body has not yet been presented to investigators, but the guards who discovered him and allowed us a short interview described the murder scene as 'grisly beyond their wildest expectations'. Reports from Mandar Keep's interim commander, Captain Irva Welsh, are sketchy at the moment, but Lord ir'Mandar was not the only body found that morning. Dashokoya Nurabo, a Reidran diplomat who had been staying in Mandar Rath as an ambassador of her nation, was found dead with her entire guard detail in the depths of the castle. Ambassador Nurabo was widely acclaimed as a beacon of peace and goodwill, and was largely responsible for the grain distribution that has kept much of northwestern Karrnath from having to migrate south during an unseasonably bad winter. The Reidran Embassy has already claimed her body, and they will be holding a private burial ceremony later on this week. At least three soldiers who were on duty that evening have also been reported dead, though the exact circumstances are unknown.
Talovar ir'Mandar died with no heir, and it is unclear whether the Mandar line will continue.

From the Korth Sentry, morning edition
18th of Olarune, 998 YK

REKKENMARK -The late Lord Talovar ir'Mandar, recently murdered along with several others in his own castle while literally surrounded by armed guards, has been implicated by top officials of the Royal Swords in a plot to overthrow our sovereign lord, King Kaius III. He was in league with Ermana Kessler, now positively confirmed as an agent of the infamous Order of the Emerald Claw. Others have been implicated as well, including the veteran knight Alorais ir'Vognir, who is now in Royal Swords custody, and the late Captain Adalgisa Jaranus of the Royal Swords, whose body was recently found decomposing between Rekkenmark and Southbridge, where she was last seen. The Vognirs were not available for comment; nor was Captain Jaranus' next of kin. This plot was also at the heart of the raids in northeast Aundair - sadly, all of the Aundairans captured in these raids were killed. King Kaius has promised an infuriated Queen Aurala to extradite ir'Vognir and other captured Claw agents to Aundair after they have been thoroughly screened. Ermana Kessler managed to escape Karrnath along with several accomplices, and is now at large somewhere in Khorvaire.

From the Sharn Inquisitive
26th of Dravago, 998 YK

'The Gasper' Captured!

Notorious criminal Rregla, nicknamed 'The Gasper' for the way she brutally choked her victims to death, was finally apprehended late last evening after a month-long killing spree that took the lives of over fifteen watchmen. Victor Saint-Demain, the celebrated inquisitive, was the mastermind behind her capture. When asked, Demain refused to take all of the credit. "Really, this was excellent work all around from the Sharn Watch, the Citadel, and of course my counterparts in House Medani. I hardly did all of the work, or even all of the thinking, on my own," said the thirty-two year old detective. Humble or not, he has put some of Sharn's most notorious killers behind bars over the past three years. Rregla's trial proceedings are not expected to take long.


Scipio said...

I love news clippings especially when they describe the crazy exploits of our party.

treehouse said...

Glad you enjoy them. They are a really helpful mechanic for me (and you too, with all of your news posts about Iuz in your blog). It's hard to fit all of the backdrop you want into a session that's already packed with information.