Sunday, June 11, 2006

News Clippings III: Sharn Watch, 17th of Sypheros

17th of Sypheros
Special Wildnight Edition

Special Correspondent Tiro Lailey

TERMINUS STATION: Last evening, the spectacular Wildnight fireworks displays found themselves outclassed by a series of unusual (and dangerous) eruptions around the City of Towers. The first one occured near midnight in the Clifftop Adventurer's Quarter in Upper Dura at the residence of famed inquisitor Victor Saint-Demain. The source of the volatile eruption, which damaged several neighboring buildings, is unknown, though Saint-Demain is a notable eccentric and has been known to conduct dangerous experiments when not fighting crime. It is also possible that one of his many enemies was trying to assassinate him, but the Korranberg Chronicle does not speculate without indisputable fact at hand. Rest assured, we'll get to the bottom of this. Early investigation of the disaster zone indicates that Saint-Demain may have been at home when the explosion took place, but the evidence was described as 'inconclusive' by the chief inspector on the scene.

The next explosion occured at the lofty residence of Hazurik ir'Cullithar, who represents Upper Menthis Plateau in the City Council. Like Saint-Demain, ir'Cullithar enjoyed his experiments, and had a laboratory somewhere in his tower. An expert on military affairs who we interviewed on the condition of anonymity claims that the detonations that destroyed ir'Cullithar's residence could only have been caused by precisely placed, military-grade 'blast disks'. We aren't sure what those are, but we believe him! No survivors have been found from the Cullithar explosion thus far, and the old Councilman was home at the time. He had no living relatives, but Upper Menthis will certainly miss him.

The last of these unplanned pyrotechnic displays, and perhaps most spectacular, claimed no lives at all thanks to the brave efforts of Gerard Angevin, Morgan Ironwright and Shinto of Overlook, a trio of inquisitives who are most recently famous for cracking the Oakbridge Flenser case in Lharvion. Specific details are still unclear, but witnesses say that early this morning in Terminus Station, the three of them muscled their way through armed guards to the private rail car of Baron Trelib d'Medani, who was just about to leave for Wroat. They had somehow learned that an inbound lightning rail was out of control, and speeding at high velocity for Terminus Station even as they arrived on the platform. They pulled Baron d'Medani from his car and escorted him off the platform with his staff, but there was no time to clear the hundreds of bystanders off the platform before the renegade train arrived and exploded in their midst. At great risk to their own lives, the three inquisitives boarded the Baron's private car and rode it out of the Station to meet the incoming train just outside, where the resulting explosion was unable to hurt anyone. Thankfully, they jumped off just in time and didn't perish in the deafening collision. They were unavailable for an interview, unfortunately.

I have a hard time seeing how the actual Wildnight celebration will be any more exciting than this, but we'll keep you posted, as always.